Monday, March 27, 2006


Why are these people smiling? They are not caught in the web any more...and they are all BLOGGERS! Check out the Blogs done by teachers in our PLU Class.. Clickhereandlookundertheheadingblogs Good job, folks!!!!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Country Study Presentations....Talia McDougal, Teacher


PresentarĂ¡n uds. a la clase el 30 de marzo

I. TEACH the class about your country & include the following:

Cultural traditions

Religion and how it affects lives in that country

Music, dances

Special/traditional dishes-Tell how they are incorporated into everyday life & celebrations.

What is your country known for?

Specific and interesting aspects that ONLY that country can offer!


*Create an itinerary for a trip to your country.

*Pretend you are from the country you have chosen; compare/contrast your country to USA>

*Act out a SKIT to present information creatively!

*Interesting Powerpoint to highlight important aspects of the country.

*Invite a guest speaker from that country to share in part of your presentation.

*Create worksheets, puzzles, games, etc. for the class to participate with you.

*Poster/Backboards to display pictures and information, etc.

*Use clips from video and/or music that pertains to your topic about your country.


*Presentation (including your active participation, enthusiasm, confidence, voice, & clarity)

*Your active role & overall involvement in presentation


*Accuracy & variety of information

*Clear demonstration of content knowledge (not just memorized info.)

CHS Databases to use for this Research project....

World Book Online Type in name of country

World Geography Type in the name of the country or use the pull down menu

SIRS RESEARCHER Click on the box that says countries

Monday, March 20, 2006

Blogs in the Classroom?? Let Students and Teachers Tell You Why!

If you have been thinking about blogging - here is some motivation.   It is
is all about high school classroom blogs - I

Turn up your speakers and take a look at this short video clip.
Weblogging - Will Richardson & others.
While watching, keep in mind that we can do this now - even here in
low-tech Gananda. We don't need any special software. An internet
connection is all it takes. Blogging is as easy to learn as MS Word. There are several web hosts that are designed
specifically for schools. The teacher has full control of student posts
and comments.

Many of the examples in the video are powerful writing assignments in
English classes - but teachers in all disciplines will have lots of
ideas for adapting the technology to their own classes.

I love how excited the kids are to communicate with authors and have a
real audience for their writing. I even love the kid who laments that
blogs take away his excuse for not knowing the assignment on days when
he is absent.


"The Librarian, whose job is to heal ignorance, to keep life safe for
poetry and to put knowledge smack dab in the middle of the American

From The Philadelphia Inquirer, 9-20-03
Jacquie Henry, MLS
Ruben A. Cirillo High School (GHS

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Using Blogs for Student Assignments!

I wanted to show you some ways you could use your blog to set up assignments! :-)

Students, click on the link below and listen to one of President Bush's weekly podcasts and pick one issue that he discussed and agree or disagree with the way he is approaching the issue. BushWeeklyPodcast

Now, click on the link below from InfoTrac database and choose one of the President Bush's policies, like Economic Policy, Environmental Policy, etc...... read an article and write a paragraph discussing whether you agree or disagree with this policy and why.


Click on the link below and then select bookbag for a book in the library that discusses the life of George W. Bush. This book will be on reserve for you to use.
