Friday, November 17, 2006

Get Real! Unit Performance Project (Sakmar and Cupp)


Unit Performance Project

What could be more representative of literary realism than a newspaper?

In groups of four, students will create a Realism Register consisting of an editorial; a lead (feature news) story (including a headline); an entertain-ment/home section (which could include the following: review of plays, community events, church socials, wedding information, comics, or recipes); obituaries; an advice column; a crossword puzzle; a weather report; a sports section (baseball was the only major sport around at this time…it began in 1876); and an arrest blotter. News items will be based on Mark Twain’s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn as well as on other events typical of the time period (Civil War/ post Civil War era).

The following roles will be assigned in each group:

one group member will write an editorial; another will be responsible for a lead story; and the third and fourth members will divide up the remaining seven feature categories (three stories each). All group members will be responsible for the final layout, finished newspaper, and presentation.

I will provide you with newspaper material, but you need to have the columns, etc. in line and in order for your final layout.

Get creative! You may have to research the time period (life in small towns, sports history, early newspapers, etc.) or transform fictional events from the novel to use in your newspaper. Your may choose to have a photographs to accompany the lead article and other pieces of writing.

Roundtable presentations—Finished newspapers will be posted around the room, and we will circulate to observe and read them.

Due Dates

  1. Thursday, Nov. 16th -- Pick groups and assign roles. Turn in to Mrs. Sakmar

  1. Thursday, Nov. 30th-- First draft due at the beginning of class. This will be for each person in the group.

  1. Monday, Dec. 11th-- Final draft and presentations due.

Newspapers from the 1800's

Trial for Historical Newspaper's Database password is welcomethen scroll down and select ProQuest Historical Newspapers - K-12 Edition: New York Times

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