Monday, August 21, 2006

American History Research Paper Martin Foster

American History Research Paper

I. Only one person per topic in each class

II. The research paper will be worth 300 points.

III. No paper will be accepted after 3:30 on the day it is due, even if you are absent from school that day. If I chose to accept your paper one day late it will be a 30-point deduction. The Due Date is_____________

IV. Requirements

A. You must have a separate title page

B. You must have a one or two page outline.

C. Your paper must have a good introduction and conclusion. The introduction should have a broad opening statement, thesis statement and topics that will be covered.

D. The content of your paper must be 4 – 6 typed pages. It must be double-spaced using size 12-print and Times New Roman font. There must be at least one sentence on the fourth page.

E. You must turn in index cards with all your notes. The index cards should be labeled with the source and page number.

F. You must have citations for any information that is not common knowledge. You should have at least one citation from each source listed in your bibliography. Use MLA form to cite sources in your paper.

Example – (authors last name or title of article and page #). 1

G. All articles and pages from books, that were used for citations, must be

photocopied, highlighted and numbered. The number should match the number of that citation in your paper.

H. You must have a bibliography. Your must have four sources and at least one book. No general encyclopedias will be accepted. It must be in alphabetical order and the teacher must approve of Internet sources.

I. Your entire paper should be written in your own words. This means everything including your citations.

J. When you turn in your paper put it together in the following order:

1. Title page

2. Outline

3. Content of paper

4. Bibliography

5. Photocopies

6. Index cards

V. Methods of Evaluation

A. Spelling, grammar and Writing mechanics = 70 points

B. Introduction, conclusion and sequence of events = 30 points

C. Meeting all the requirements = 80 points

D. Content = 120 point

Research Paper – Rubric

Spelling, grammar and writing mechanics – A minus 3 points for each error



Organization – Introduction, conclusion and sequence of events



Major requirements – Minus 20 for each one missing



Content – Must be at least 4 pages







Since no Internet Sources will be accepted without approval from Mr. Foster.......

Check out these links to AWESOME databases!
You will need a password to access these databases AT HOME. See Mr. Foster or Mrs. Turner for the password. :-)

CHS Databases (search by keyword not phrase):

1. American History ...database that ONLY has American History Information. Also, check out the e-books! :-) Password is canes if used at home.

2. Student Reource Center...has excerpts from Reference books and magazine articles Password is canes if used at home.

3. Researching a famous person? Try this database! Password is canes if used at home

4. CHS library must try to find one source from the library's catalog password is canes if used at home

GALILEO DATABASES: password at home: angular until March 2007

Annals of American History Full text | Primary source documents and year-by-year documentary of American thought and action Database Description more ... GALILEO Express Links

2. Academic Search Premier (at EBSCOhost) Full text | Articles from popular magazines and academic journals. | Versión en Español Database Description more ...

3. SIRS DATABASES, search by subject

SIRS Researcher®
Student Reference, Social Issues, Health, Science, and Business

SIRS WebSelect
Editorially Selected Web Sites

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